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Lastest Update: 19th Sep. 2024 中文 (Chinese Version)

Undergraduated Thesis

  • The first principle calculation on the optical property on Barium-based complex perovskite ($Ba(B^{\prime}B^{\prime\prime})O_{3}$) Archieved Zheng Xiong (Advisor: Wen Chen, co-Advisor: Jie Shen), The Laboratory of functional materials for Informatics, The State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology and For Materials Synthesis and Processing, The Wuhan University of Technology
  • The Constraint on Lorentz Violation and the Measurement of Cosmic-Ray Electron Spectrum based on the LHAASO Experiment Archieved (Advisor: Huihai HE, co-Advisor: Sha WU), Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Research Paper

Conference Paper

  • Huihai He, Jia Liu, Z. Xiong, et.al. “重走宇宙线发现之旅(Retrace the cosmic ray discovery journey),”ISBN 978-7-5526-5484-4 宁波出版社 原文
  • Z. Xiong and X. Q. Dong, “Z. Xiong and J. Liu, “空气电离之谜(mystery of the spontaneous discharge of an electrometer),” Modern Physics vol. 34, no. 03, pp. 54–58, 2022, ISSN: 1001-0610. DOI: 10.13405/j.cnki.xdwz.2022.03.007 (Corresponding Author) Archieved
  • Z. Xiong and X. Q. Dong, “在校园捕捉来自宇宙的信息——2021年“国际宇宙日”活动概览(to capture the information from universe at campus - digest on 2021 cosmic day),” Modern Physics, vol. 34, no. 02, pp. 47–53, 2022, ISSN: 1001-0610.DOI: 10.13405/j.cnki.xdwz.2022.02.017. (Corresponding Author) Archieved
  • ParadoX, “超越费米悖论(Beyond Fermi Paradox),” in ser. Beyond Fermi Paradox 8/16, Mar. 2021. 🔗.
  • ParadoX, “天文学家如愿以偿得到了想要的数据,却发现“哈勃常数危机”加剧了(Astronomers Get Their Wish, and a Cosmic Crisis Gets Worse),” in ser. IHEP Doctorial Scope 1/3, Dec. 2020. 🔗.
  • ParadoX, “天文学家的备忘手册(Astronomer’s Toolbox),” in ser. Astronomer’s Toolbox, 2020. 🔗.